Dead Beat available for preorder online…

As you may have learned from reading the news items at our website, Dead Beat, book seven of the Dresden Files, has had its release date bumped up to May of next year — plus, it’ll be in hardcover.
We’ve now learned it’s already available for preordering online!
You can preorder through a local independent bookseller by way of BookSense.Com (Link), or if Amazon’s your thing, order there (Link).
Happy (pre)ordering!

Schedule Bump

Jim reports about the release dates on his next books:

I heard this week that my publisher is moving up the next Dresden book in the schedule. Book 7, Dead Beat, is coming out in hardback in May rather than August, so you get the new book 3 months early. Similarly, the next Furies book will be out in July rather than October. Cool, huh? 🙂

Grave Peril Audiobook available for preorder

The audiobook version of Grave Peril, once again read by James Marsters, is available for preorder (and get a free t-shirt when it ships) at the following links!
This is a nine-CD set, unabridged, running approximately 11 hours. It won’t be shipped until March 28th of 2005, but the t-shirt offer only lasts through December 26th of this year!