Attention, comics fans!

It’s time to pre-order the exclusive comics shop variant of the Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle trade! (View the cover here!) Welcome to the Jungle is an original graphic novel that takes place before the events of Storm Front, written by Jim Butcher, pencilled by Ardian Syaf, and published by the Dabel Brothers. This trade compiles all four issues of the thrilling series.
Welcome to the Jungle will be available in two editions this October. The first, released through Del Rey, will be available at your local bookstores and comics stores, as well as online retailers like Amazon. The second, released through Diamond, will only be available in comics shops. It’s the Dabels’ gesture of thanks to comics shops for helping to make the series such a rousing success!
Supplies of the variant edition are limited, so it’s very important to ask your local comics shop to reserve you a copy ahead of time. Find comics shops near you with Diamond’s Comic Store Locator tool.

Author: priscellie

Priscilla Spencer has been Jim's creative consultant since 2007. In addition to managing content for and its social media channels, she beta-reads all of Jim's works, serves as a thematic consultant on the graphic novels and role playing games, and illustrates the maps for his books. The whole "Year of Dresden" thing is largely her baby. Her latest claim to fame is directing the official book trailers for Peace Talks and Battle Ground. In her professional life, Priscilla is a Producer, Writer, Photographer, and Fantasy Map Illustrator working towards a career in producing TV. She enjoys musical theatre, gluten-free cooking, sci-fi/fantasy, and weightlifting. She aspires to travel the world and pet every dog.