The first three issues of “War Cry” are included in Dynamite Entertanment’s holiday mega-bundle! Dynamite is offering up 143 comics valued at $555 MSRP to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Make A Wish, and Doctors Without Borders. Pay what you like for 56 issues, or pay more than the average donation (currently $7.10) and get them all! You can even tweak your donation to decide how much of it you want to go to each of the three charities and the publisher. All issues are DRM-free. This offer ends in two weeks.
Also, we just received word that the hardcover compilation of “War Cry” hit #4 on the NYT Bestseller List! Congrats to Jim, Mark, Carlos, and all others involved in production! If you haven’t yet, you can grab a copy from your favorite local comic store, Amazon, B&N, or Dynamite.