Brief Cases to be released Summer 2018!

As you all know, we try to avoid posting more than once a week, but we thought you’d want to know this immediately! We have a general release date for Brief Cases, the second anthology of Dresden Files short stories: Summer 2018!

Brief Cases will include the following Dresdenverse stories:

  • “Curses” — Harry is hired to remove the Billy Goat Curse from Wrigley Field
  • “AAAA Wizardry” — Harry teaches young Wardens his procedure for dealing with supernatural nasties.
  • “Even Hand” — Marcone clashes with a rival supernatural power.
  • The Bigfoot Trilogy: “B is for Bigfoot,” “I Was A Teenage Bigfoot,” and “Bigfoot on Campus”
  • “Bombshells” — Molly teams up with Justine and Andi to thwart a Fomor plot.
  • “Jury Duty” — Harry endures Jury Duty.
  • “Cold Case” — Molly teams up with Ramirez to take on a Lovecraft-esque cult.
  • “Day One” — Butters’ first mission.
  • “A Fistful of Warlocks” — Luccio takes on necromancers in the Wild West.
  • Plus a new Dresden Files novella starring Maggie and Mouse!

We’ll let you know as soon as we have a more specific date to announce. Subscribe to our mailing list if you want to be among the first to know!

Author: priscellie

Priscilla Spencer has been Jim's creative consultant since 2007. In addition to managing content for and its social media channels, she beta-reads all of Jim's works, serves as a thematic consultant on the graphic novels and role playing games, and illustrates the maps for his books. The whole "Year of Dresden" thing is largely her baby. Her latest claim to fame is directing the official book trailers for Peace Talks and Battle Ground. In her professional life, Priscilla is a Producer, Writer, Photographer, and Fantasy Map Illustrator working towards a career in producing TV. She enjoys musical theatre, gluten-free cooking, sci-fi/fantasy, and weightlifting. She aspires to travel the world and pet every dog.