Hollywood Update

From: Jim Butcher
To: McAnally’s Pub
Subject: [mcanallys] Hollywood Update
Heya, all.
Just got some email from Morgan which amounts to an update that I can share. Mucho talking and planning has been done, and Sci Fi and Lion’s Gate are both very supportive of the series–and they’re now planning on doing as much as they can to draw the series directly from the source material–the books! So, the project is still underway, has support, and is being planned as something much like the books rather than being slated for rearranging!
Still not concrete, but going strong, gaining support, and gathering momentum!
Fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc etc. 🙂

13 thoughts on “Hollywood Update”

  1. Good news, Jim. I hope that this means that they are considering James Marsters as Harry. Keep us posted.

  2. Is there anywhere we can send support to speed things up? Unfortuately the only support I mean is verbal/e-mail. Thanks!

  3. Just wondered if that meant that they are no longer going to rename Harry?

  4. Remember me when this show starts filming. I could use a break here in L.A.

  5. I knocked on my fingers, crossed some wood, but somehow I don’t think that’s working. At any rate, I’m a hopin’ and a prayin’ Hollywood gets their tales in gear for the Dresden series!
    BTW – Halfway through Furies. Great job!
    Ken W.
    Portland, OR

  6. Wow. thats a series i would watch every Thursday, in full costume. I absolutely love your books, i have read them each many times, no lie. I’m pawning all of them off to my friends to read. I totally support your idea of a series about it. i can only hope for what it will turn out to be. good luck with it, i hope everything comes out to your liking. continue writing forever.
    -Melissa Carver-
    P.S- can’t wait for next book. I LOVE IT!

  7. I love your books, so I would be thrilled to have your series come to TV. Be assured that I would watch it religiously, which I almost never do with TV shows. Just make sure that whoever produces the series keeps the same sense of humor in the TV show that is so prevalent in your books. It’s refreshing and it’s one of the things I like most about the Dresden Files. I can’t wait for the next one to come out. Well, good luck with everything, and I hope you find a lot of inspiration for many future books.

  8. After borrowing Storm Front from a friend about three months ago, I’ve just finished Blood Rites last night, and am already getting withdrawal symptoms from lack-of-Dresden! A TV show would be a fantastic way to get a fix of Butcherite magic! I keep my fingers crossed that it all goes ahead.
    Jim, you deserve all the success you get from these marvellous stories.

  9. All I have to say is what everybody else has said, but I’m still going to say it. But I’ll Amberize it.
    1) YAY!!!!
    2) TV!!!!
    3) Books!!!
    Time to feed Jim’s ego!
    I think you are a fantastic author. Currently I am writing a speech (on anything of my choice) and I was going to discuss the particles in the hydrogen bomb, but then I figured that would be too much research and decided to doing something fun would be better. So I’m writing my speech (and giving my speech verbally(!)) on The Dresden Files!!! I love the way you write, unconventional (is that the word I want?). Splendid humor. Can’t wait for the books to get bigger than Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings put together (is that possible? If it is, you’ll do it!)). That’s about it for me. Someone else’s turn.

  10. I’m so glad the books are being taken into such consideration. I’ve inherited my mom’s stickler attitude toward television and movie adaptations, basically that if it isn’t the book set to visual, I don’t like it. The Harry Potter movies were a HUGE disappointment to me, and I found the only way to enjoy them was to disassociate them from the books entirely. Here’s hoping I don’t have to do the same for this.
    P.S. The Green Mile was word for word true to the book, so I know it CAN be done!

  11. I just hope you get some production or witing credit for the show Jim. It sucks when they “adapt” something (read: shameless rape and abuse) a great book series without the actual author’s input.

  12. Hmm. Would have to say I’m somewhat torn on this subject.
    While I’m a devoted Dresden fan, and think a visual presentation would make for cinematic fun, the real “magic” of the series is in conjuring up our own images.
    In an instant-gratification based society, where everything is now given to us in sound bites and fast-cut clips, completely overdone in CGI, books are where I find Dresden-like refuge.
    It seems only fitting that a character like Harry, who seemingly abhors technology (and it, him), reside only in the printed page and imaginations of his fans.
    Not that I don’t wish Jim every bit of monetary success possible for his creation, as I will graciously continue purchasing each and every book published; however, I’d almost hate to see a character like Dresden made small enough for the small screen.
    Just two cents’ worth~

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