Several of the folks who met us at conventions really liked the Dresden Files buttons we were passing out. The buttons are simple, white text on black backgrounds, mostly containing quotes from the books. Folks liked them so much that we figured out a way to give them out to everyone who’d like one, not just to those who can make the cons or signings.
To get two free buttons — one for you and one for a friend — send a self-addressed envelope stamped with $.87 postage (do not send money!) to:
Longshot LLC
16657 E. 23rd St. #300
Independence, MO 64055
Because of the possibility of the buttons splitting open regular paper envelopes, the post office recommends the use of padded mailers.
If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to the feedback email address, and make sure you put BUTTON QUESTION in real big letters in the subject line.
Hope you like them!
8 thoughts on “Jim’s Button Giveaway”
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Hi, Jim!
Just wanted to let you know that I loved your new book “Proven Guilty”. You are one of the few writers I know who was able to write a very good first book in a series and then continued to maintain (or increase) my interest throughout the series (and I have been reading Sci Fi/Fantasy for 25 years). Thanks for writing such an enteretaining book! I just wish I was a slower reader so I could have enjoyed it longer… took me about 2 days of reading in my spare time to get through “Proven Guilty”.
Hi Jim, noticed someone else had posted here, and thought maybe I’d do the same. I agree. Other than Bujold, you are the only scifi/fantasy writer I’ve read who gets better instead of plateauing. I thought for sure that you were tapped out on the dresden files. I mean…how could you keep going? But damn, you proved me wrong. And I’m putting my money where my mouth is. Keep’em coming. Hardback is fine.
I KNEW IT! I can’t WAIT till Harry starts kick’in the crap outta those Black Council Assholes!
I KNEW IT! I can’t WAIT till Harry starts kick’in the crap outta those Black Council Jerks!
I just finished “Proven Guilty” two days ago. The book is an amazing tribute to your creativity. I’m a college professor in the sciences with a professed weakness for fantasy novels. I generally lean more towards Terry Brooks type of fiction. In the summer I try to catch up on this type of reading for pleasure. I was hooked after the first fifty pages of “Proven Guilty”. Yesterday I purchased the other eight Harry Dresden books. Keep them coming!
question? how big are these buttons? Just wanna know how big a envelope to send.
uibkpsdv twfvnsop xgiyu osyclbrdp nrlqh qdrzxvbe ciuxqf
I have been addicted to fantasy for a long time – it started with Tolkein. These books are the best fantasy I have read in a long time. I first read Dead Beat (I’ts the only book the library had) the charactors and plot were amazing, there is not one charactor I do not like. I have read every book (so far) in the series. Please Keep the wit coming. (meep meep)
P.S. Please add more Bob maybe make him a brother, that would be awsome (or don’t)