Dresden Files Comic Books To Be Produced by Dabel Brothers

In the realm of “Coolest News Ever,” I am delerious with geeker joy to announce that Harry Dresden is making the leap to a new medium–graphic novels!
(Zap! Bing! Kapow! Fa-WAM!)
Working together with Dabel Brothers Productions, the Dresden Files are going to be translated into a graphic novel format. The current plan is to lay out the Dresden Files storyline at the rate of one of the novels every twelve to sixteen monthly issues, with occasional side-trips and independent stories thrown in. (Ever wonder what happened in Branson the month before Storm Front? How about what somebody saw in the lake in Minnesota between Storm Front and Fool Moon? Maybe I’ll get to tell those stories now! How cool is that?)
I will be assisting with the writing of the comics, and am also involved in the design and approval of the characters, art, tone, and so on. This is an actual hand-in-hand project in which I have full creative input and influence, and I’m friggin’ giddy about it. I mean, come on! Comic books!
As we come up with promotional materials and finalize artists, art, and so on, I’ll release names and samples of the art at the earliest possible moment, so that I can share my hysteria with you, the reader. 🙂
The Dabel Brothers have made quite a name for themselves lately, converting a lot of popular SF and fantasy to a graphic novel format, including the work of such authors as George RR Martin, Dean Koontz, and Laurell K Hamilton. They are distributed by Marvel comics, and you can find their titles in comic book stores and bookstores alike all over the country.
Granted, they don’t actually publish in the Marvel Universe, but there is a Marvel sticker on the label. And so, this humble geek dares to dream the impossible dream:
The Harry Dresden/Amazing Spider-Man team-up issue. 🙂

Come discuss this development on the Jim-Butcher.Com Forums!

2 thoughts on “Dresden Files Comic Books To Be Produced by Dabel Brothers”

  1. O___O HOLY CRAP. *squees* And luckily for me, there’s a great comic store right near my flat! *flails*
    This is so AWESOME.

  2. Well, I’ve seen screen caps of the art in the Hamilton stuff. Normally I’d be thrilled about Dresden in any medium… but the art quality is horrible. I mean, really horrible. Characters had thighs all out of proportion and Anita and Jean-Claude looked identical (the exact same hairstyle, down to the insanely stupid curl hanging in their face). Please, say you get to pick an artist, and one with talent.

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