Some folks have reported that their copies of Fool Moon are missing some text from page 101. Here’s that missing text:
“So… Marcone had a fantastic motive to have Harding killed. It broadened his financial empire, and put him in a position to gouge MacFinn for as much money as he possibly could.”
Chauncy adjusted his wire-frame spectacles. “Your reasoning would seem to be sound.”
I thumped my pencil on my notebook, staring at what I had written. “Yeah. But it doesn’t explain why everyone else got killed. Or who did it. Unless Marcone’s got s pack of werewolves in his pocket…
28 thoughts on “Missing Paragraphs in Fool Moon”
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Thanks Be To Jim Butcher!!!!!! Luckily my copy of Fool Moon was perfect. I had never heard of the Dresden Books or Jim Butcher until the TV series began, the more episodes I watched the more I knew I would love the books, on impulse I purchased them all and I finished White Knight yesterday, I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT INSTALLMENT!! Go Team Dresden!!!
Hey Jim,
I have been a faithful reader of the Dresden Files from the start! I love them & recommend them to everyone. I also love the Codex Alera series. Now, the Dresden Files show…FANTASTIC! Great job…keep it up.
Faithfully yours,
Hey Jim,
I have been a faithful reader of the Dresden Files from the start! I love them & recommend them to everyone. I also love the Codex Alera series. Now, the Dresden Files show…FANTASTIC! Great job…keep it up.
Faithfully yours,
Just finished “White Night.” Tremendous. The best yet. I hope it doesn’t sound presumptuous, but I think your writing is really growing.
Can’t say I enjoy the tv show as much as some of your fans. Feels a little like “Charmed” for boys Perhaps just a limitation of the medium, or more likely the budget. The bad guys are easily defeated, and without the real sense of danger, there’s no real sense of heroism. The special effects are pretty cheesy. But for me the biggest indictment is that they lack the complexity that makes the books so intriguing. Reminds me a little of some of the sad attempts to bring “Lord of the Rings” to the big screen before Peter Jackson got it right. Love to see someone give “The Dresden Files” that treatment someday.
I don’t expect you to trash the show, but I’d be interested in your thoughts about how it differs from the books.
Met JB at the Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego on Easter Eve. What a nice man to talk to. He answered questions for an hour and signed books for another two at least. He made sure everyone who turned out got a bit of face timewith him and posed for endless photos. His apprecation to the fans who turned out was so sincere.
See my review of White Knight and Proven Guilty at and on Monday my weekly column, Gravy by the Slice will be posted with a photo from MG. Blessings be, Tami Jo
Question – I’m reading book 8 at the moment and it mentions something happening in Oklahoma and Dresden shutting down the power of Jenny Greenteeth at Billy’s wedding. Does anyone know more about this? Was this a reference to something I missed in another book?
For TJ. The blurb about Jenny Greenteeth refers to a Dresden short story, published in a compilation called ‘My Big, Fat Supernatural Wedding’. Can’t recall the editor’s name it’s published under, but it should be easy enough to find. As for Oklahoma, I don’t think that particular episode of Harry’s career has been committed to paper yet.
Now I’m off to go check my copy of Fool Moon…
I’m also appreciating the posting of the missing text. I picked up my copies of books one and two last weekend, and I just found the missing section in book 2 today… I don’t know which printing it is, but apparently on April 21 there were still bad copies being circulated.
(like one of the others who posted said, I knew with more certainty with each passing episode, that I would have a lot of fun reading the books… which has, of course, come true ^_^)