The BittenByBooks Q&A is now live! Submit your questions and see Jim’s responses here.
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Author: priscellie
Priscilla Spencer has been Jim's creative consultant since 2007. In addition to managing content for and its social media channels, she beta-reads all of Jim's works, serves as a thematic consultant on the graphic novels and role playing games, and illustrates the maps for his books. The whole "Year of Dresden" thing is largely her baby. Her latest claim to fame is directing the official book trailers for Peace Talks and Battle Ground.
In her professional life, Priscilla is a Producer, Writer, Photographer, and Fantasy Map Illustrator working towards a career in producing TV. She enjoys musical theatre, gluten-free cooking, sci-fi/fantasy, and weightlifting. She aspires to travel the world and pet every dog.
View all posts by priscellie
Who is going to be Molly’s Mentor? The Council doesn’t like her to begin with and if Harry is out of the picture may choose to execute her. She not ready to be on her own. I don’t think Harry can take her to the Winter court, Lea is too interested in her.
How could you do this to us?!
More seriously- Harry has twice now aligned himself with a somewhat… shady source of power (Demonreach, Mab). Is more of this to come?
Odin, a fallen god (God?) has taken up battle by Harry’s side, can you have us some clues as to what other mythological charcters we can hope to see in the future?
When will we be seeing Ferrovax again?
Is Mab pregnant with Harry’s second child?
now that you’re finished the Codex Alera, will you be publishing more than 1 Dresden book per year, starting something new, enjoying some extra free time, or none of the above?
assuming Harry gets not-dead at some point, any idea where he’ll live considering every place he owned/rented has now been destroyed? possibly live on demonreach?
Harry’s godmother referred to Mouse as a demon, is that just talking about his “foo dog”-ness? is there more to it than that? will we hear more of mouse speaking at some point?
will mister be back anytime soon?
I love the Dresden Files, and I hope you made a shite-load of cash on the few episodes they aired on Sci-Fi. I’m no screenwriter, but it seems to me that with your humorous and witty dialogue (okay, mostly monologue) it should have been a no-brainer for Sci-Fi. But enough of the brown-nosing…
Question: Your bio says you are a martial arts buff and have some exposure to kung fu (I know that’s not a question). I’ve been involved in Choi Lai Fut kung fu for nearly 11 years. Have you heard of or been exposed to it? And what is the most effective/enriching martial art you’ve been involved in?
Guys… the Q&A is (was?) over on the Bitten By Books site — not here! 🙂
When will book of collected short stories be released?
When will we see more of Michael Carpenter? I know Dresden doesn’t want to go to for help, but he should go over there for dinner or something so we can get an appearance!
Mr. Butcher,
Amazing!!!… This book was amazing. Thank you so much for making me (forcing me, shoving me) love these characters sooooo much. Changes made me laugh, cry, scream, laugh, and when it was over, cry again… because it was over. Jim, Harry and you are a rockin’ team and I hope you stay together forever… if Shannon and your son are okay with it. 🙂 Thank you!
Fred Hicks – When I checked this web site yesterday for the link to “bitten by books” it said to post the questions HERE.
I was at the Denver airpost for a few hours and could not get on the Bitten web site. It said they were having technical difficulties or was overloaded. Sorry to bug you.
“Here” is hyperlinked to the Bitten site…
So, the death curse that was whailed at Harry, books back(Cassiaus shouting out Die Alone), does this mean that Harry will triumph over death, or will it be Mab who felt cheated on her deal?
Love the books and want more.
Mr Butcher –
Having only recently found your novels, but having been a fan of the late series on SciFi, I was only dimly aware of “who” Harry Dresden was.
My only regret was not thinking to research your work earlier, instead of allowing the SciFi series to be my (at the time) only introduction to Harry and his Universe.
With that being said, I have not only recently completed acquiring (and subsequently devouring) the entire paperback run of the Dresden Files, I also snatched up the most recent novel, “Changes” in hardcover at my earliest opportunity. Honestly, there was absolutely no way I was going to wait for the paperback edition.
I’m reticent about writing letters such as this, since my instinct is to gush like a giddy teenager (my apologies, in reviewing it appears that instinct won over reason); however I believe I can restrain myself enough to simply wish you a sincerely heartfelt “THANK YOU!” for sharing Harry and his Universe with the world.
With that being said, I do have a single request of you… that being you never again succumb to the temptation to (for whatever reason) allow anyone other than yourself to helm a video/film project involving Harry.
Your vision regarding Harry is singular, spectacular, and deserving of the best it can get…something that clearly did not happen in your “collaboration” with the executives at SciFi.
The difference between the watered down version shown on SciFi and the “real” Harry Dresden of your novels is truly night and day.
Please, take a page from J.K.Rowling and the “other” Harry – don’t surrender artistic control under any circumstances.
And please, I do beg of you, find a reputable studio willing to greenlight the entire series with you as the creative and final authority.
I anxiously await the next installment…meanwhile not only will I be rereading the collection, I will be doing my abject best to introduce friends and family to Harry and his Universe.
Once again, thank you, Sir!
Me and all my friends read the books i started reading them a few years back and introduce then to any reader i can. They are my favorite set of books the Dresden files. What i must know is for Shaw they don’t finish here and there must be more to come. There is no way that the set would end here. Please someone tell me that he will keep writing the set. Has anyone heard if Jim is still writing the Dresden books. P.S Having trouble buying later Audio books in the set to get in Australia. Must have them anyone know where i can buy them or when they will be allowed to be purchased by people in Australia.
He has stated many times that in college he outlined the entire series, and each book is already plotted (20 novels + an Apocalyptic trilogy. He even gave the titles of the final “apocalyptic” trilogy. “Hell’s Bells”, “Stars and Stones” and “Empty Night (or Knight, he didn’t spell it…could change the meaning though as is “Summer Knight” and “White Night”) He has also stated that he is behind by about 2 books after “Changes”, but he doesn’t think the fans will mind having to read 2 more books! 😉
He has stated many times that in college he outlined the entire series, and each book is already plotted (20 novels + an Apocalyptic trilogy. He even gave the titles of the final “apocalyptic” trilogy. “Hell’s Bells”, “Stars and Stones” and “Empty Night (or Knight, he didn’t spell it…could change the meaning though as is “Summer Knight” and “White Night”) He has also stated that he is behind by about 2 books after “Changes”, but he doesn’t think the fans will mind having to read 2 more books! 😉
I was a senior in high school and sitting in my boring ass math class my friend had Storm Front poking out of his backpack…. I read 10 chpters during that class and didn’t even register that the bell rang at the end of the period. Now I’m almost out of college for film and ever since that day I’ve dreamed and set a goal to making all The Dresden Files to the silver screen. I don’t care how long it takes me, I will see Jims vision of Dresdens world brought to the film industry. I’m currently writing the first two screenscripts and hope I can fulfill my dream. Jim if you read this I will see you soon in November when you come to Tuscon AZ for the convention.