Congratulations, Jim! Changes is #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List and #3 on the USA Today Bestseller List (which is a list of all books–fiction, nonfiction, children’s, etc–not separated by category).
May it stay in the top ten for many weeks to come!
If you haven’t read it yet, you can buy it through the store in hardcover and audio formats, read by James Marsters. If you’ve already read it, come on down to the forum and share your thoughts.
Author: priscellie
Priscilla Spencer has been Jim's creative consultant since 2007. In addition to managing content for and its social media channels, she beta-reads all of Jim's works, serves as a thematic consultant on the graphic novels and role playing games, and illustrates the maps for his books. The whole "Year of Dresden" thing is largely her baby. Her latest claim to fame is directing the official book trailers for Peace Talks and Battle Ground.
In her professional life, Priscilla is a Producer, Writer, Photographer, and Fantasy Map Illustrator working towards a career in producing TV. She enjoys musical theatre, gluten-free cooking, sci-fi/fantasy, and weightlifting. She aspires to travel the world and pet every dog.
View all posts by priscellie
Jim has offically arrived! confrats on being number 1 with the best book in the series! and love the new due. cant wait for book 13.
Took you long enough, you evil, evil person!
May the Dresden series stay till eternity and shame on you, for being such an evil genius!
Congrats! Now if it were only on Kindle…..we’ll help it stay on top!
Heck yeah! way to go Jim
Dresden shall always kick ass
Congratulations Jim.
Boo Yah – well done Jim, just a shame it took so long for your genius to catch on, wonderful to see you sitting where you should 🙂
I’m sure it’s an excellent book. I’ll be happy to buy it whenever it’s released for Kindle.
Excellent book, I assume the series will be continuing then?
I read 9 Dresden Books in 9 days. It’s a shame and a blessing to wait 4 weeks to get a book and read it in 8 hours. I expect it’s going to happen again in a week or two. I can’t wait!!
Maybe you can blow up the Blue Bug and get Harry something he can stretch his legs in!! I know he had a jeep in the TV series, maybe you can get him an OLD, like Korean War Jeep…
Just as long as you keep bringing us Dresden books. Love ’em!!
By a Nook from Barnes and Noble, You’d have been able to read it by now. 🙂
Awesome books, and Changes was no exception. Just hope there is more to come…..
Enjoy your cackles and booyahs over your fandom’s “Wha tha…”s at Changes ending Mr Butcher. Heehee, but now you’ve got the joy/pain and hair pullin’ frustration of writting the next installment. love it, will wait patiently #mebbe..# for the next book. Oh yeah grats on No 1 too 😀
Just finished Changes, I have to say the only thing I do not like is the waiting for the next one…WOW!!!! loved it. I enjoyed all of the book hard to pick a fav, the first because it is how I got hooked or this one. Great job………Hope to see another book with Thomas like Backup it gives you something to hold you over until the next book!!!
Congrats on the #1
I enjoyed it even though the twist and ending had been spoiled for my by an uncareful comment on this site.
The audiobook performences are great.
I’ve been reading The Dresden Files for years – you never disappoint – cause a GREAT deal of Angst as I have to wait for the NEXT one, yes, but never disappoint. Got my wife and kids into them, too.
Loved Codex Alera, too. Wouldn’t mind one with the trials and tribulations a bit down the road – re-building an empire, and raising kids ~ particularly “gifted” ones ~ opens all sorts of their own possibilities, never mind the continual threats. Remember the Marat influence – never mind Tavi’s own youth.
Back to Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden: Loved that you are comfortable enough with your own skin to play the “ponder the parallels” to who’d be whom vis a vis that older author’s work. Loved the discourse and rationale.
Cliffhangers, cliffhangers, where would we all be without them. Almost like the ending of every episode of Lost in Space, as Robbie the Robot waved his arms, frantically, saying “Danger, Will Robinson, Danger.” Sucks us all in for the next episode.
We’ll all have to see where you lead us. I’d love to really get into it, but I don’t want to be a spoiler.
Congratulations on making it to #1!
What can I say here but congratulations! I really LOVED the book as I have all the others. Chapter 48 absolutely devasted me though. It was quite HARSH and I bawled my head off. 🙁 Thanks for ripping my heart out!!!
Quite the cliff-hanger ending as well…but I’m pretty sure Harry will be okay.
I read the book last week. Congrats, Jim! Definitely deserves the honor. Why, you ask? Because it was AWESOME!
I am a recent Dresden Files fan (but have read all of them so far and fell in love with the drama, magic and especially the humor of this series. BUT, so help me, if you don’t come up with something after Changes, I will never, ever buy any of your books again. It left me devastated! (But I have to admit, I will always enjoy going back and reading any and all of your Dresden Files books again, and again, and again….)!
Just finished Changes and I must say….Wow the ending blew me away.