Eager to get a taste of Changes, book 12 of The Dresden Files? The first of four sample chapters will be posted tonight at midnight MST (GMT-7)! When the time comes, you’ll be able to read them here. We’ll release a new chapter each Tuesday until all four are posted, then the book will hit stores April 6th!
You can preorder Changes through the Jim-Butcher.com store.
Author: priscellie
Priscilla Spencer has been Jim's creative consultant since 2007. In addition to managing content for Jim-Butcher.com and its social media channels, she beta-reads all of Jim's works, serves as a thematic consultant on the graphic novels and role playing games, and illustrates the maps for his books. The whole "Year of Dresden" thing is largely her baby. Her latest claim to fame is directing the official book trailers for Peace Talks and Battle Ground.
In her professional life, Priscilla is a Producer, Writer, Photographer, and Fantasy Map Illustrator working towards a career in producing TV. She enjoys musical theatre, gluten-free cooking, sci-fi/fantasy, and weightlifting. She aspires to travel the world and pet every dog.
View all posts by priscellie
Sadly, I have to wait 6 weeks for the book to arrive here in Brazil.
Mia-That is correct. Now round two. What is the name of Cowl’s idealistic partner from the same book.
I’m the biggest dresden fan, Dave. Kumari
lachlan or david reply quickly. where in the uk did u get ur books from?! im in luton & havent had a chaance to go to waaterstones yets but hve ordered it from amazon. am planning on bribing my sister to go and get me the book hopefully theres one in my area
I got mine at a waterstones in Canary warf. You may want to wait though, I bought it last night and am half way through already. And the name “changes” is such an understatement!
For those of us who havent been as fortunate to have read the book yet…seven days and counting people…seven days…
Picked it up yesterday morning in Waterstone’s and read all day. Changes is such an understatement! A damn fine book which made me laugh out loud, cry and at one point shut the book because I was too scared to read what happened!
Okay Dresden fans. Round three. What is the name of the loup garou from Fool Moon and his real wolf fiance?
Dave – Loup Garou: Harley MacFinn
Girlfriend: Tara West
oh now this is killing me. People are getting to read the book NOW, and I have to WAIT 6 more days? That just is not fair………….I wonder if there are any ecopies……….
and WITHOUT SPOILERS, please, do tell more! I’m so hungry for this book I ache. I just finished re-reading every single book/short story in prep.
Dave – In Fool Moon, Bob said that the curse on the McFinn family would last forever. Do you think Tara was pregnant at the end of book two? If just failing to have children would break the curse, you’d think some else would have thought of that in the last 1600 years.
Starsfan- I would not dream of posting a spoiler, but it’s hard to say anything without a spoil. The title says it all, this is a game changer. So much so that yesterday I was freaking people out on the Tube, making excited little ‘oooo’ ‘oooo’ sounds. One word of advice… When you do get the book, call in sick.
Just finished the book, what a ride that was! Over too soon. I don’t know if you ever read these Jim, but if there is a better living storyteller out there I hope someone tells me. It’ll help pass the time till the next Dresden Files!
Okay this is getting rediculous. Who do I have to bribe to get one of these advanced copies. I can’t stand the wait anymore. And Bev I doubt there will be another loup garou from the MacFinn clan. I think that Harry broke the curse, and I have a feeling that MacFinn was with Tara because she couldn’t get pregnant. Ok. Round four Dresden fans. This is an easy one. In what book does Harry find Mouse?
Dave – Blood Rites
I agree with you…I’m very frustrated that we still have 6 days to wait for Changes.
The anticipation burns, ladies and gentlemen!
It burns!
Now, to call in every favor I’ve earned over time and get someone to take me to the darn signing!
Curse my inability to drive.
5 fives and counting…five days…
Round five kiddies. In which book are we first introduced to the late Duke Ortega?
Dave – Grave Peril – McCoy mentions destroying Duke Ortega’s Central American stronghold.