Jim will be at MisCon in Missoula, MT this weekend! The full schedule is here, but here are the events that may most interest Jim’s readers:
Being a Published Author . . . (Writing)
Fri 2:00 – 2:50 PM, (Great Hall)
Pros and Guests: Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Rhiannon Held, J.A. Pitts
Moderator: J.A. Pitts
Learn about some of the things no one told the panelists about being published. What surprised them, both positive and negative about their newfound status?
Writers’ Workshop Meet and Greet (Writing)
Fri 4:00 – 4:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Carol Berg, S. A. Bolich, Larry Bonham, M. H. Bonham (Maggie), Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Brenda Carre, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Deby Fredericks, James Glass, Rhiannon Held, Andrea Howe, J.A. Pitts, Joyce Reynolds-Ward, Peter Wacks (pjwacks), Parris ja Young
Moderator: Justin Barba
Participants and Critiquing Authors get together to meet and discuss how the workshop works. They’ll also discuss workshops in general, and how to take criticism. Even though he’s not critiquing manuscripts, Jim Butcher will add his 2 cents. Open to anyone interested in the Writers’ Workshop.
Opening Ceremonies (Geek Discussion)
Fri 7:00 – 7:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Paizo Publishing , Justin Barba, Jim Butcher, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Dragon Dronet, Kyle Elliott, Dave Gross, CthulhuBob Lovely, Ryan Macklin, Theresa Mather
Moderator: CthulhuBob Lovely
Attend our opening ceremonies and watch CthulhuBob cry. Also find out what’s happening at MisCon 27.
Jim Butcher Book Signing (Writing)
Sat 10:00 – 11:50 AM, (Hotel Lobby of Doom)
Pros and Guests: Jim Butcher
Moderator: Justin Barba
Jim will sign books. This is a controlled event, and is limited to 3 items per person per trip through the long line. Jim will only personalize one item per person.
Plot, Plot, Plot (Writing)
Sat 2:00 – 2:50 PM, (Great Hall)
Pros and Guests: Carol Berg, Jim Butcher, J.A. Pitts, Patrick Swenson
Moderator: Carol Berg
What is plot? How is it different from storyline? How do you keep your writing moving fast? Our experts will share what they know.
The Dresden Files: a Discussion (Geek Discussion)
Sat 4:00 – 4:50 PM, (Upstairs Programming 1)
Pros and Guests: Beth Stoops
Moderator: Beth Stoops
An affectionate discussion/hint of roast of Jim Butcher’s Dresden Series.
[Note: Why is this at the same time as another of Jim’s panels? We don’t know either.]
Private Eyes in Fiction and Real Life (Writing)
Sat 4:00 – 4:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Carol Berg, Jim Butcher, John Goff, Peter Wacks (pjwacks)
Moderator: Jim Butcher
How do you put a little mystery in your fantasy and science fiction? In addition to discussing the fictional side of private eyes, John Goff, a private detective for 12 years, will bring some realism to the table.
Working With Licensed Intellectual Properties (Gaming, Writing)
Sat 5:00 – 5:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Paizo Publishing , David Boop, Jim Butcher, John Goff, Dave Gross, Ryan Macklin
Moderator: Ryan Macklin
A discussion of the issues and pitfalls of working with someone else’s property and dealing with fan expectations of said property.
Dystopia/Utopia (Writing, Gaming)
Sun 10:00 – 10:50 AM, (Great Hall)
Pros and Guests: Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), J.A. Pitts
Moderator: Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di)
We’ve heard a lot lately about post-apocalyptic dystopia, but what about utopia? Could utopia ever truly exist? Could a story exist within a utopia? If so, how do you write about conflict in a world where conflict is minimized? Or IS that the conflict?
Snarking Up Your Characters (Writing)
Sun 11:00 – 11:50 AM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Carol Berg, Jim Butcher, C.J. Cherryh, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di)
Moderator: Jim Butcher
Who would Malcolm Reynolds, Harry Dresden, and Tyrion Lannister be without their snark? Join us to learn what it means to be snarky, how to add snark to your characters, and how to write perfect one-liners.
Reading: Jim Butcher (Writing)
Sun 1:00 – 1:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Jim Butcher
Jim will read from one of his recent works. *If the weather is nice, this panel will relocate to the BBQ Area*
Writing Yourself Into (and Out of) Corners (Writing)
Sun 4:00 – 4:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: M. H. Bonham (Maggie), Jim Butcher, John Goff, Dave Gross
Moderator: Jim Butcher
“Jack scoured the alley for a brick, a broken piece of glass—anything he could use as a weapon. But the alley was as bare as his backside, which he now pressed against the wall blocking his escape. He’d have to remember to thank Pallermo for that little jape. The thug behind the wheel hit the gas…” In this panel we’ll talk about how to write your character into a corner (literally, figuratively, emotionally), and how to get them back out again.
Jim Butcher Q and A (Writing, Geek Discussion)
Sun 5:00 – 5:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Justin Barba, Jim Butcher
Moderator: Justin Barba
A question and answer session with Jim Butcher. If time permits, he will take moderated questions from the audience.
Jim Butcher Book Signing (Writing)
Mon 10:00 – 10:50 AM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Jim Butcher
Moderator: Justin Barba
Jim Butcher’s signing is moderated, and we will maintain a STRICT 3 item maximum per person–zero exceptions. In order to keep the line moving, Jim can only personalize one item per person per trip through the line.
Author Book Signing (Writing)
Mon 11:00 – 11:50 AM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Carol Berg, S. A. Bolich, M. H. Bonham (Maggie), David Boop, Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Brenda Carre, C.J. Cherryh, Jane Fancher, Diana Pharaoh Francis (Di), Deby Fredericks, James Glass, Dave Gross, Rhiannon Held, J.A. Pitts, Timothy Quill, Patrick Swenson, Peter Wacks (pjwacks)
All authors are invited. Jim Butcher’s signing is moderated, and we will maintain a STRICT 3 item maximum per person–zero exceptions. In order to keep the line moving, Jim can only personalize one item per person per trip through the line.
Breaking Through Writer’s Block (Writing)
Mon 1:00 – 1:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Jim Butcher, Dave Gross, Rhiannon Held, Patrick Swenson
Moderator: Jim Butcher
How do the pros beat writer’s block? They will share tips, tricks, and the best ways to cope with a writer’s worst nightmare.
Writing Fight Scenes and Arguments (Writing, Fight Demo or Class)
Mon 2:00 – 2:50 PM, (Containment Room)
Pros and Guests: Larry Bonham, Jim Butcher, Dragon Dronet, J.A. Pitts, Chad Volpe (The Fin)
Moderator: J.A. Pitts
We can talk about conflict until we’re blue in the face, but how do you write the details? Better yet, how do you know the right details? What’s the best way to write a sword fight? A fist fight? An everyday argument? You may have seen the fighting all weekend, now come learn how to translate that into words.
Closing Ceremonies (Geek Discussion)
Mon 3:00 – 3:50 PM, (Great Hall)
Pros and Guests: Paizo Publishing , Justin Barba, Jim Butcher, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Dragon Dronet, Kyle Elliott, CthulhuBob Lovely, Ryan Macklin, Theresa Mather, Chad Volpe (The Fin)
Come see CthulhuBob cry for joy and catch a sneak peek at what’s in store for you next year at MisCon 28 May 2014.