Great news! The Aeronaut’s Windlass debuted at #5 on the New York Times Fiction Bestseller List and #7 on USA Today! Congrats to Jim. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, snag one in Hardcover, Kindle, or Audio from our store!
Also, we’re thrilled to announce that Jim has agreed to a Virtual Signing for Priscilla Spencer’s Cinder Spires map posters! A Virtual Signing is essentially a custom pre-order: You place your order, indicating who you want the poster(s) personalized to (like “To Melissa”), then in early December, Jim and Priscilla will sign all the posters at once, and she’ll stick them in the mail. Just in time for the December holidays! All Virtual Signing orders must be placed by December 1st. You can also purchase signed posters of the Codex Alera map, with no preorder necessary.
With the holidays coming up, here’s a list of what Jim’s been up to lately, and what we can expect looking forward.
- (10/15/15) Down Town graphic novel
- (9/29/15) Cinder Spires #1: The Aeronaut’s Windlass
- (7/09/15) Dresden Files Graphic Novel Omnibus
- (6/30/15) Working for Bigfoot illustrated mini-anthology
- (6/01/15) The Paranet Papers RPG
- (4/10/15) Subterranean Press’ special edition of Proven Guilty
- (11/11/14) War Cry graphic novel
- Limited Edition Dresden Files Print by Tyler Walpole
- Cinder Spires Map Posters from Priscilla Spencer
- Badali Jewelry “Winter Knight” Earrings
- “Polka Will Never Die” shirts from Worldbuilders
- More merch here!
- (12/01/15) “Jury Duty” short story, Unbound anthology
- (2/XX/16) Subterranean Press’ special edition of White Night
- (est. 10/XX/16) “Cold Case” short story, Shadowed Souls anthology
- (TBA) Dresden Files #16: Peace Talks
- (TBA) Cinder Spires #2: The Olympian Affair
- (TBA) Dresden Files #17: Mirror Mirror
Short Stories:
- (TBA) “Day One” — Butters’ first day on his new job
- (TBA) Brief Cases — Short story anthology
- Jim is working on outlines for two original Dresden Files comics series. One will pit Harry against Puck, who will be depicted as a Joker-esque dark faerie: “Terrible. And fun.” In the other, Inari Raith and her friends from “Blood Rites” are threatened, and Lara hires Harry to fix the problem to preserve her grip on the White Court.
Jim has no more appearances in 2015. He has a book to write! As for 2016, only one event has been announced so far: Houston Comicpalooza (June 17-19). [EDIT: Unfortunately, this event has been canceled due to scheduling conflicts.] Of course, there will be many more to come! Keep an eye on the forum’s Calendar Event Discussion section for further developments.