Jim will join folks at Conquest36 from May 27-29 2005 at the Airport Hilton Hotel in Kansas City, MO.
Jim will also attend Lunacon in March of 2006 (yes, 2006; they plan way ahead!), at the Sheraton Meadowlands, New York.
These and other items can be found on our calendar page.
10 thoughts on “Additions to Jim’s Con Schedule”
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I’d love to see Jim attend a convention in the UK.
I’d like to second a showing from Jim at a UK convention.
Any chance?
If you do Dragon Con maybe you could host a seminar again.
Please come to the UK, con, book tour/signing, the literary festival at Hay-on-Wye…(OK, so it’s not so far from me but I can dream can’t I ?)
If you ever make it down to Texas, Jim, both FenCon in Dallas, and ArmadilloCon in Austin would be THRILLED to have you! (And we’d LOVE to see you!) 😀
Heya Jim,
Congrats on being invited to Lunacon… you’ll find the site is updated with your info. And the convention is actually across the Hudson in NJ (with a BEEYOOTIFUL view of the city).
Definitely look forward to it 🙂
Lunacon.org webmaster
Lunacon 2004 Chairman 😉
laughed all the way through
New Jersey, eh? It’d be a long drive from Massachusetts, but more than worth it just to give a well deserved handshake.
Dont suppose you could ever work your way down to Florida eh? Jacksonville i believe has something called DreamCon