The first sample chapter for Cursor’s Fury is up!
Read them here:
New chapters, up through chapter 5, will be posted every Thursday. Watch that space!
19 thoughts on “Cursor’s Fury – Sample Chapters!”
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I can’t wait ’til December. I do hope that Tavi turns out to be the son of Gaius, that would definitely tell us why Isana hates Gaius so much. JIm Butcher has done a wonderful job of creating such a great world of adventure and intrigue that keeps his readers coming back for more.
God I don’t think I will be able to make it to December! I loved Academ’s Fury and can’t stop rereading it!
Isana was obviously married to Septimus, and Tavi is the son of gaius. All of it is kind of predicatable, but still a great series.
Isana was obviously married to Septimus, and Tavi is the son of gaius. All of it is kind of predicatable, but still a great series.
Could you blockheads PLEASE refrain from posting commentary that spoils the chapter here?
If you’re referring to the comments about Septimus, it’s just logical deduction after what Gauis said at the end of Academ’s fury and Isana’s hatred for Gauis. Sorry, but I kind of thought everyone got that. I was just hoping Jim doesn’t pull a fast one like Robert Jordan in the Wheel of Time series.
and his name… “Tavi” sextus (6), septimus (7), Oc”Tavi”us (8) … that kinda gives it away too
Good point. I kind of forgot about the whole Latin thing.
i think Isana was married to septimus, but i think Tavi’s their son, not gaius’, didn’t she say something to that effect in one of the earlier books?
Okay so Tavi is definently the son of Septimus. Gauis wasn’t even near second Calderon and the books in no way hinted of a relationship between Isana and Gaius, or Gauis being Tavi’s father. I would stake my life on this, I’ m that sure. Oh and if you don’t want anything spoiled why are you reading these chapters?
ummm guys…
he is not gaius’ son.. he is septimus’ son…. isana and septimus were lovers… that is why she hates gaius… everything points to this… to septimus.. not gaius
i agree with Sarah… the hidden ring that Isana wears… the fact that Fade was with Isana.. and it was cleared suggested that Araris was very good friends with Septimus… we even know that Isana spent time with the legions.. I believe strongly that she hates Gaius because she blames him for sending Septimus to his death in second Calderon… love to hear other remarks
I keep saying “Gaius” because they’re referred to as Gaius Sextus, Gaius Septimus, etc. So I agree that Tavi is Septimus’ son; I just should’ve been a little more explicit.
I keep saying “Gaius” because they’re referred to as Gaius Sextus, Gaius Septimus, etc. So I agree that Tavi is Septimus’ son; I just should’ve been a little more explicit in my previous posts.
Kudos to Charlie! That latin thing makes it so obvious! I never would have thought of that! But what do they call a fourth generation? Nine does not a pretty prefix make.
Yeah, my bad I meant to say Septimus. He’s still a Gaius though. Tavi is Septimus’s son. duh
I just started reading and its awesome. Academ’s fury and calderon gaius tavi islana butcher
Isn’t it December yet? *sigh* days to go.
It’s December 1st everyone. I can’t wait until the book hits the shelves.