Need to catch up on Harry’s adventures? Looking to populate your ebook collection with earlier volumes in the series? Want to give new fans something deliciously Dresdeny to chew on? Amazon is doing a massive Kindle daily deal TODAY ONLY, dropping the price on the first 7 books in the Dresden Files to $1.99 each, from Storm Front to Dead Beat!
These files can be read on actual Kindles or any device with the free Kindle app (laptop, smart phone, tablet, etc). Sorry, international fans, this deal is valid only for readers in the US.
Storm Front
Fool Moon
Grave Peril
Summer Knight
Death Masks
Blood Rites
Dead Beat
$1.99 each! Woohoo! The first half of the series for fourteen bucks!
Of course, you can always grab older books in paperback and audio format in our store and preorder Skin Game in a variety of formats, and even signed and personalized!
Remember: if you want to preorder a signed, personalized copy through Dog Eared Books, the deadline is MONDAY. B&N is already sold out, and Booktalk Nation’s preorders closed yesterday.
In the meantime, you can catch up on Jim’s two recent Q&As on Booktalk Nation and Reddit! For Reddit, You can find Jim’s answers quickest by going here, then clicking “context.”