Hollywood Update

From: Jim Butcher
To: McAnally’s Pub
Subject: [mcanallys] Hollywood Update
Heya, all.
Just got some email from Morgan which amounts to an update that I can share. Mucho talking and planning has been done, and Sci Fi and Lion’s Gate are both very supportive of the series–and they’re now planning on doing as much as they can to draw the series directly from the source material–the books! So, the project is still underway, has support, and is being planned as something much like the books rather than being slated for rearranging!
Still not concrete, but going strong, gaining support, and gathering momentum!
Fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc etc. 🙂

Grave Peril audiobook update

Cindy Moon reports on the Mcanally’s discussion list…

I just have to spread some of these nice comments about the recording of the Grave Peril audiobook that James did with Buzzy Multimedia last week… 🙂
I spoke with Joy yesterday evening, and she graciously shared a few comments about it. (As a fan herself, she knows how much we enjoy hearing any and all Harry Dresden and James Marsters news and info.)
Per Joy, the recording went really well, and James was “extremely enthusiastic”. (Are you surprised, Jim, and everyone??) She sounds very pleased and excited about it. It will be at least 9 CDs since it is a longer book than the first 2, so the price will be more, BUT, they will add a little

Excerpts from the September 2004 Locus

Under “Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman” in the September 2004 issue of Locus Magazine:

Jim Butcher, FURIES OF CALDERON (Ace 0-441-12299-3, $23.95, 440pp, hc) October 2004. Cover by Steve Stone.

Butcher jumps into epic fantasy with this first novel in “The Codex Alera”, a considerable departure from his previous “Dresden Files” contemporary urban fantasy detective series. FURIES introduces a world where everyone past puberty has a fury, a magical/elemental spirit that helps them and gives them magical talents: watercrafters can heal and read emotions, firecrafters can influence others’ emotions or use fire offensively, metalcrafters are smiths and warriors, and so on. Apprentice shepherd Tavi is 15, but furyless, something unheard of, and desperate to prove himself; a search for lost sheep entangles him in an enemy invasion and an attempted rebellion. Butcher has created a fascinating world and magic system, and peopled it with some truly engaging characters–and intriguing hints of a great Destiny that awaits Tavi in future volumes, though this one is nicely self-contained for the start of a promising series.

Under “Other Rights”:

Audio rights to Jim Bitcher’s GRAVE PERIL, third in his “Dresden Files” series, sold to Buzzy Multimedia via Jennifer Jackson of the Donald Maass Agency.

New Poll on Jim-Butcher.Com

We’re introducing a new voting feature on Jim-Butcher.Com and are very excited to bring a new interactive element of the site to the fans.
As our inaugural poll, we’ve got a big one — Jim is looking for some fan feedback on where to take the Dresden Files!
Let your voice be heard! Log on and vote for who you’d like to see more of in the Dresden Files — and make sure to leave a comment to tell Jim why you want to see them there!