The Sci-Fi Channel has picked up 11 episodes of the Dresden Files. The pilot is due to be aired in January. Check for details.
Update: Here’s the article:
The Online Site For Everything Jim
The Sci-Fi Channel has picked up 11 episodes of the Dresden Files. The pilot is due to be aired in January. Check for details.
Update: Here’s the article:
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So, the pilot, from what I read on the IMDB, is going to be a fairly direct port of Storm Front, as a 2 hour movie.
The question is will the episodes be new material or will they use the books to run extended story arcs. I.E. It would seem perfectly resonable to me to do most of the books over the span for 4-6 episodes. But will SciFi be willing to take a chance and run something where there isn’t closure at the end of an episode? Or will the episodes be new material, with the possibility of doing movies of the other books as specials later on…
And actually more to the point, Where will continuity pick up?
If they do episodes that are new content, where will continuity start? Will it start ultra modern, i.e. after the events of proven guilty? Or will it pick up right after Storm front, in which case Susan will still be around and normal, and Micheal won’t have been introduced. And Murphy will be in her ‘Dresden is untrustworthy’ phase.
You all should head over to the Jim-Butcher.Com web forums, where one of the series writer has answered these questions, and more.
They better keep the Name Harry, it has important meaning. Sheesh.
My buddy looks exactly like Harry is described. He has a girlfriend that looks like Murphy. A beetle. A skull. And a dog named Dog. he has a leather duster and hat. walks with a cane or staff, and funniest is he has a messed up left hand. oh and wears a pentacle. We think butcher has hidden cameras here. I am so not exagerating. I will take pictures and send them in to mr. Butcher.
While reading Mr. Butcher’s books I always thought that the Dresden files would make a great movie (or tv series as it seems).
I mean for God sakes, Harry Dresden has to be the most kick a## wizard ever concieved!!
I can’t wait for the show to hit the air!
And, without checking the site, I was sooo hoping James Marsters could’ve played Harry. Oh well. I’ll watch it anyway. But I’ll cry if James doesn’t read Summer Knight. *drools over the sound of his voice*
Yknow I always pictured Bruce cambell as Harry when reading the books. & wtf Bobs not a skull????
Paul is the perfect for Harry. Nice to see him playing a good guy for a change – from his greatest fan…………………
Wow! I finished his sixth book, Blood Rites last year and just found out about Dead Beat so I’m on to read that one. Gah I love Butcher’s works and I can’t wait to see how this TV series turns out!
Jim nice work good to hear about the tv series, how long to next book and plz get Harry together with Murphy.
When are they planning to start filming for the series and where?
You have no idea how excited I am to find out about the TV series, your books are absolutely AMAZING! I really like how they blend the two genres that i love! I cannot wait until the series, and good luck in everything you do!
Can’t wait until your brilliant series gets out in August. Don’t know exactly when, but waiting with bated breath anyways. Just read Proven Guilty and Academ’s Fury… Loved it! Don’t ever stop… Please… *Puppy-dog eyes* See Ya!
This could be a mixed blessing. I am as happy as anyone that this is going to be a series, and I am a huge fan (I hope Murphy is given Shiro’s sword!). However, I have seen too many good books be turned into crappy movies to be completely happy about this. Let us just hope that the people at sci-fi know what they are doing…
This could be a mixed blessing. I am as happy as anyone that this is going to be a series, and I am a huge fan (I hope Murphy is given Shiro’s sword!). However, I have seen too many good books be turned into crappy movies to be completely happy about this. Let us just hope that the people at sci-fi know what they are doing…
It would be freaking AMAZING if Murphy was given Shiro’s sword! I absolutely loved Proven Guilty, can’t wait until Cursor’s Fury comes out, and ’til the next Dresden Files book. The TV series, provided Scifi produces another great series spun off a book series (Stargate Sg-1 is better than the books, but Scifi could never top Jim Butcher), between books so I don’t go on total Butcher withdrawal. : – )
I dont think Murphy will get the sword. Has to do with geographics. Michael has America, Shiro had Japan, and Sanya has Russia. If someone should get the sword I would believe it should be Susan in South America
susan can’t have the sword either, she’s partly undead. In BLOOD RITES she got a small zap when harry tried to hand it to her. I’m with the Jessi would love to see Murph get the sword. Though it would be quite a twist if Bill or Kincaid ended up with it.
hmmmm murphy with the sword……i really can’t picture it, although it would b awesome. but to me, with murph being kinda shortish, i cant imagine her weilding a sword. well, maybe i can, but not like a super large one like Shiro’s. Also, i think i agree with the person who said it has to do with geography. i think it makes sense about Susan, but at the same time, with her being part vampire and everything, that kinda messes it up. i dunno. Thomas would be pretty cool i thought, but again with the undead and the geography. or maybe after harry has shown like his faith and how much he helps people, he’ll b destined to get it. im just throwing out suggestions here, but i think they are viable.
I can’t wait to see the Dresden series. But, I must have missed something. What’s this about Bob not being a Skull???? Please, someone tell me whats going on there.
And about Murphy getting the sword, I’m all for it. I mean if the sword was supossed to go to someone in Japan why would Harry be responsible for finding them? Plus, her soul looks the part right.