Changes released!

“Changes” is released today!

Unfortunately, it’s still not yet available for Kindle, but we hope Penguin and Amazon will resolve their differences before too long. We invite folks to share their thoughts on the forum, but please, confine your remarks to the “Spoilers” section, and always place clear warnings in the subject line when creating a new Changes-related thread. Remember that many of Jim’s fans don’t or can’t read the book the day it’s released, so please be cautious and courteous of your fellow posters.
If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, you can order it through the store!
And yes, there will be more books in the Dresden Files series. Jim has plans for at least 20 total!

Author: priscellie

Priscilla Spencer has been Jim's creative consultant since 2007. In addition to managing content for and its social media channels, she beta-reads all of Jim's works, serves as a thematic consultant on the graphic novels and role playing games, and illustrates the maps for his books. The whole "Year of Dresden" thing is largely her baby. Her latest claim to fame is directing the official book trailers for Peace Talks and Battle Ground. In her professional life, Priscilla is a Producer, Writer, Photographer, and Fantasy Map Illustrator working towards a career in producing TV. She enjoys musical theatre, gluten-free cooking, sci-fi/fantasy, and weightlifting. She aspires to travel the world and pet every dog.

184 thoughts on “Changes released!”

  1. SPOILER!!!
    Why has no one thought to mention that even if the bulled DID kill Harry, the series wouldn’t have to end? He’s got the respect of Odin. Guard is a Valkyrie. Slain warriors go to Valhalla. Which would leave him up and running in it’s own way. Not to mention Lea, Mab, etc etc etc. So yes he’ll live.
    But as to who pulled the trigger? Why has no one mentioned Fix? Any member of the White Court not affiliated with Raith? Helen Beckitt? Charity Carpenter (Molly IS injured mind you)? I mean the possibilities, while not endless, are rather far and wide.
    Regardless, the next book will be amazing, and never will it get here soon enough.
    Side note: Damn you Jim… Why can’t you ever let anything GOOD happen to Harry? Why man? Do you get some sadistic pleasure out of torturing the poor character?
    And since someone mentioned it earlier… Mister’s fate must be mentioned soonest!

  2. *SPOILER*
    What a great read! Little distressing ending though, that’s why I came here to get the assurance, no, it’s not the last book. Speculating on who pulled the trigger, I didn’t look at previous books, I just figured more than one hitman had been contracted. He (she?) doesn’t know their employer is dead. They were paid to do a job. Some more T’s crossed. Countess gets her revenge, wizard’s curse fulfilled, Marcone’s predictions come true, Kincaid’s detailing of how to take him out is accurate… Then I wondered if this is a way for Harry to avoid becoming the Winter Knight. HD dies and is reborn as something else? A Knight of the Sword? Or this is how he becomes the Winter Knight? A little secret amongst WK’s that mortal death with your humanity stripped away is necessary?
    *shrug* I’ll have to wait and see when the next book comes out. *s*

  3. Bev-The most probable person for Harry’s grandmother maybe one of the fairy lords, for a moment i thought it may have been Mab herself since McCoy had such an insight and knowledge of Mab’s motives.
    now the hit could be Fix’s work or just an agent of the Black Council, those are my guess at ths time. I’ll read the whole series again to see if i remember any other baddies harry’s crossed who might fit this.

  4. Holy Cow!!!!!!
    I have to admit that my first reaction to the cliffhanger was great disappointment; I like the idea that all previous books were self-contained and, in a sense, “finished”. But this is, after all, Changes and Jim Butcher is the god of his domain: who are we mortals to question his ways?
    So many, many possibilities regarding Harry’s predicament – readers here have mentioned many sound ideas. Let me add another thought: a Mab/Lea conflict. Lea did mention being painfully disciplined by Mab. Maybe Lea is involved for two reasons: 1) She was/is Margaret Le Fay’s friend and Harry’s godmother and 2) She wants to unseat Mab. Just a thought…
    Also, who is Harry’s grandmother? Could be Mab, could be Charity Carpenter’s Mom (I’m still nurturing the theory that Charity is Harry’s mother’s younger sister), could be a character that we haven’t met yet or who was so minor that we haven’t paid attention to her.

  5. Richard – the EEBS and their group became an all-you-can-eat Goblin Buffet.
    Shawn – We have mentioned Fix. He’s been afraid of Harry becoming the Winte Knight. Kincaid doesn’t really have any grudge against Harry. Charity Carpenter – never – she already told Harry she would not compromise her values because of him.
    How I’m going to kill a year waiting. I already have a detailed map of Chicago. Love maps. With different colored pencils, one per book, I map out the places Harry mentions in each book. It’s a Dresden map. Most of the places Jim mention do exist and it adds a dimention of reality to a fictional series. St Mary’s of the Angels is just of I-94 near North, southwest corner of the Bucktown area and 2 miles south of Wrigleyville. It’s like a game. I’ll do a book a month.

  6. Bev- if you could i would like to see those maps! let me know how that goes along
    Also there is no way that Harry could be related to the Carpenters cuz than the whole Molly-in-love-with Harry becomes way to big an ick factor.
    And yes-I’ve mentioned Fix plenty of times, and Kincaid is of course out.
    It’s either Fix, the guy that ran Harry off the road after seeing the skinwalker in Turn Coat, Black Council, or Jim may be trying to bring Cowl & Kumori back into play. Just some thoughts

  7. The Winter King holing onto two swords of the Cross? I think the rogue priest from “The Warrior” is back. He already tried to shot Harry from a distance. Then again I still think Thomas may have something to do with it.

  8. Just started Changes this morning and WHEW! I have to say, after reading all of the Dresden files, this one has to be the most emotionally charged. Poor Harry!
    Can’t wait to see what baddies get splattered and what’s next for our lovable, slightly goofy, hero. Heeey, any chance of Michael making a comeback?

  9. Nathan – the best one I found was Rand McNally’s Chicagoland. Detailed map of the city on one side and a large area map on the other. Just a folding map about $6.00. Available on-line, but I got mine at Barnes & Noble.

  10. I don’t think any of you have considered this possibility: Harry Dresden is DEAD.
    The book was called “Changes”, and for good reason. He lost his home, his car, his love, possibly his cat, Molly (cuz you REALLY think Charity would have let her go back to Harry?), immediate conflict (Black council still at large, but Red war over) and his future (Winter Knight = dead end job. literally). What would be left for him if he does survive? A possible date with a now jobless Murphy?
    So wat’s next if he’s dead? Two words: Maggie. Dresden. I see a year jump, Maggie’s grown and is now coming into her wizarding powers (maybe some red court stuff mixed in as well? Susan WAS half vamp), and thus begins a whole new chapter of the Dresden Files. idk. just throwin it out there
    As always, kudos Mr. Butcher! If you weren’t such a damned good author, I would hate you for that ending (if he’s not dead, cut the poor guy a little slack, please? God knows {again, literally} he deserves it!) Thank you so much for sharing your stories with the rest of us!

  11. Okay…yes the book is a cliffhanger and it isn’t over yet for Harry…But Damnit all to Hell WE NEED A MOVIE! Not the cheap lame tv show on Sci-Fi but an actual movie! No more beating around the bush… Thirteen Books and every one gets better and better! Come on Hollywood forget trying to get a director who wants to express his artistic talent! Let Jim write the damn Script and lets DO THIS!!!

  12. okay…twelve books…sorry. We still need a movie! Come on people…who do you want to play Harry in a movie?? Throw the ideas out! My buddy and I have gone around in circles about a cast. Firefly fans pushed for a movie…why can’t we??

  13. I am so happy I read the book before coming to this page – there are lots of spoilers here and that sucks for anyone who has not yet read the book.

  14. There’s eleven books left. He probably will come back. He’s Harry Dresden for goodness’s sake!!!1

  15. And we do need a movie… only if Christopher Nolan directs it and Collin Farrel(i dont see him as a prettyboy, and if you imagine him worn out and beaten up, he fits. Also, his performance In Bruges rocks!) Christian Bale as Thomas!!!

  16. But more people don’t come to this site if they haven’t read the book.
    Absolutely favorite scene – Mouse and Lea.

  17. Is it possible that MAB used this method to remove Dresden from mortal view. If he is “murdered” who will be looking for him….

  18. Dear Jim, This is me… giving you THE FINGER!!!!! Well done. Loved the book. You Prick. :0)

  19. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I came on here hoping to read something somewhere that Harry was gonna be alive and in the next book but nothing :(. You have to bring him back he’s has to finish what hes started with the Black Council and The Denarians. You cant have him killed all Karl Culliane esk and let the youth take over let Harry finish what he started

  20. To Bev (who posted April 11, 2010 @ 02:19 PM):
    You wrote that mapping Harry’s locations in Chicago was like a game to you. Well, then, you’re going to love this. I was in a toy store the other day and saw a board map of New York City, complete with cast models of the more famous buildings. Went inside to see if there were any other cities available (guess which one I asked about). Turned out the store owner was a Dresden fan, and he confirmed that Chicago was to be the next produced. Just think, we can all have our own “Little Chicago’s”!

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