We have a lot of great stuff happening this week, including a gorgeous new jewelry piece and a virtual convention appearance this Friday! And don’t forget: We also have a cosplay contest running, a series read-along on Goodreads, discounts going on the first three Dresden novels, and a mini-giveaway of coloring pages in exchange for support of your community (see below). And if you haven’t seen the Peace Talks trailer yet, check it out now and send your reaction video to yearofdresden@gmail.com.
Now let’s get into the news!
The Bad News: Badali Jewelry’s stone supplier sent them the wrong color for the Limited Edition Demonreach Pentacle.
The Good News: The stone they sent is GORGEOUS, and its wintry blue and pink opalescence is a perfect fit for Molly!
The Badali team conjectured, “Maybe Molly heard we were in need, and she sent some mischievous sprite to change a digit in the supplier’s color code and make a stone just for her. We hear you loud and clear, Molls! Badali Jewelry is thrilled to offer a second limited edition piece for 2020: The Winter Lady’s Ice Opal Pentacle.” Order yours today!

Here’s how the color compares to Mab’s Ice Opal in the Winter Knight Earrings.
As for the Demonreach Pentacle fans voted on back in February, the stone supplier is already working to rectify their mistake, and Badali anticipates it will be available for sale early this summer.
Jim joins a bevy of fabulous Penguin Random House authors this Friday at the PRH Virtual Con! Jim’s events:

Geek Geek Revolution, 5pm ET: In this twist on the popular trivia game show, authors ask the questions and fans provide the answers for the chance to win a prize pack of books! Participate at the Unbound Worlds FB group. (Note: Admission to the group is moderated. Join early to avoid bottlenecks!)

The Great Fantasy Debate Preview, 7pm ET: A preview of a brand new webseries! The creative team will discuss what’s in store and present the first mini-debate between Jim, Pierce Brown, and Naomi Novik. Free registration on Eventbrite.
We’re making it even easier to support indie bookstores with your purchases through the Jim-Butcher.com store! We’ve added Bookshop.org to our list of affiliate partners. Bookshop is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores.
We’re in the process of updating our official store to include these new links, but in the meantime, you can buy Jim’s books at our storefront on their website! A portion of each sale goes to support independent bookstores, and another portion goes to our website to help cover our hosting fees. Everybody wins!
Good News for Blaze! She’s back home and in recovery. She offers her thanks for the outpouring of love and healing vibes.
Don’t forget: submissions are open for the Dresden Cosplay Contest! Enter by May 12th.
Haven’t seen the Peace Talks Trailer yet? If not, we’re still collecting reaction videos for an upcoming compilation! Film yourself watching it and send the video via WeTransfer to yearofdresden@gmail.com.
Last week, we gave away three Dresden coloring pages and offered two more in exchange for a donation to your local food bank or a purchase from our artistic partners: Badali Jewelry, Adam Mathison-Sward, Tyler Walpole, Evil Hat Productions, and Priscilla Spencer. That offer is still good! Forward your receipt to yearofdresden@gmail.com, and we’ll hook you up!
The Dresden Files Read-Along on Goodreads continues this week with White Night.
And that’s it for today!
Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. We’ll see you later this week for the Virtual Con.